@indutny/simple-windows-notifications - v2.0.7



API docs.

npm install @indutny/simple-windows-notifications
import { Notifier } from '@indutny/simple-windows-notifications';

const notifier = new Notifier('org.indutny.test');

notifier.remove({ tag: 'tag', group: 'group' });

const toastXml = `<toast>
<binding template="ToastText02">
<text id="1">headlineText</text>
<text id="2">bodyText</text>

notifier.show(toastXml, { tag: 'tag', group: 'group' });

See https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/windows/apps/hh761494(v=win.10)

Because streams are reused between several requests, if one of the requests gets stalled it might stall all other requests that are based on the same input stream. Depending on the use case, either more granular contexts could be used or a timeout could be added to all derived streams.

This software is licensed under the MIT License.