• Returns memoized version of the parameter function fn. The memoized function will return cached value as long as the arguments of the call have the same tracked values as the last time.

    Memoized function has two cache levels:

    • A WeakMap by first object parameter
    • Global cache that only holds the last execution result.


    IMemoizeOptions for details on available options.


    memoized function.


    With two parameters:

    import { memoize } from '@indutny/sneequals';

    const fn = memoize((a, b) => ({ result: a.value + b.value }));

    // Prints `{ result: 3 }`
    const answer = fn({ value: 1 }, { value: 2 });

    const cachedAnswer = fn({ value: 1 }, { value: 2 });

    // Even though the input objects are different the `cachedResult` is the
    // same since the tracked properties didn't change.
    // Prints `true`.
    console.log(answer === cachedAnswer);


    With react-redux and an id lookup. (Taken from proxy-memoize.)

    import { useCallback } from 'react';
    import { useSelector } from 'react-redux';
    import { memoize } from '@indutny/sneequals';

    const Component = ({ id }) => {
    const { score, title } = useSelector(useCallback(memoize(state => ({
    score: getScore(state),
    title: state.titles[id],
    })), [id]));
    return <div>{score.score} {score.createdAt} {title}</div>;

    Type Parameters

    • Params extends readonly unknown[]

    • Result


    • fn: ((...params: Params) => Result)

      function to be memoized

        • (...params: Params): Result
        • Parameters

          • Rest ...params: Params

          Returns Result

    • Optional options: IMemoizeOptions<Params>

      an optional options object

    Returns ((...params: Params) => Result)

      • (...params: Params): Result
      • Parameters

        • Rest ...params: Params

        Returns Result

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